This wiki (Teh Guide) strives to be a guide to everything, but will probably end up a repository of random information Roman writes on the internet. [[About Teh Guide]]. ===== General ===== * [[Finding Purpose]] * [[Strategy Guide to Life]] ===== Work ===== * [[NYC Co-working Locations]] * [[Starting a Business]] * [[Starting a Business (NYC SBS Courses)]] * [[Thumbtack]] ===== Computing ===== * [[Backup Roundcube Email]] * [[ChatGPT]] * [[Convert Other Formats to Dokuwiki]] * [[Diagramming]] * [[ЧатGPT (Русский)]] * [[General Tech Support]] * [[Google Doc to Slides]] * [[Javascript and React]] * [[Organize Github Repos]] * [[Preserve ChatGPT Formatting in Google Docs]] * [[Print Webpage as it Appears]] * [[Printing Maps]] * [[Readable Code]] * [[Reviewing a Pull Request]] * [[Robotics]] * [[Shell Scripts on Mac]] * [[Standard IT Toolkit]] * [[Terminal]] * [[WhatsApp]] ===== Electronics and DIY ===== * [[Canon Rebel T6 Remote Shooting]] * [[Force Exit App on a Samsung TV]] * [[Replacing Radiator Panels]] ===== Travel ===== * [[EWR]] * [[Husqvarna Svartpilen 401]] * [[JFK]] * [[LGA]] * [[Onyx RCR emoto ebike]] * [[US Passport Renewal]] ===== Health ===== * [[Dental Maximum Contract Allowances]] * [[Finding a Good Dentist]] * [[Yoga]] ===== Community ===== * [[American Red Cross]] * [[Community Fridge]] * [[Community Sharing]] * [[Florida Courts E-filing Self-Represented Litigant Summary]] * [[NYC Community Boards]] * [[NYC East Village Tips]] * [[NYC Energy Usage]] * [[NYC Heating Season]] * [[NYC Homelessness 2025]] * [[NYC Pickleball]]