Finding a Good Dentist

  1. Compile a list of 3-5 good-sounding dentists based on recommendations from coworkers, yelp, and google, and including locations up to an hour away.
  2. Go to one of the dentists for a checkup, cleaning, and X-rays. Find out if they think I have any issues and what they recommend. Decline doing any procedures at that time, and either let them make an appointment and then cancel it later, or tell them you will make a follow up appointment yourself.
  3. Call the other 2-4 dentists and make appointments: “I recently had dental X-rays taken at another clinic and received some treatment recommendations. I'd like to schedule an appointment to get a second opinion on the X-rays and those recommendations. Can I bring my X-rays with me, or would you need them sent over in advance?“
  4. Get the first dentist office to send the X-rays.
  5. Go to the other dentists until you find one that seems good.